RSSB Fatigue Survey

RSSB Fatigue Survey

By Dan Spicer


23rd Jul 2018

Babcock have represented the Track Safety Alliance to develop the survey and conducted test surveys on LNWS.

You can  scan the QR Code or complete the survey online at

Completing the survey gives you the chance to tell us about your experiences of fatigue at work, what we are doing right, and what we are not so good at when it comes to fatigue. It takes about 20 minutes to fill it in. The results will be used to make improvements to fatigue management at Babcock and in the wider rail industry. Without your response, we won’t have the feedback we need for effective change. 

Please read the attached information sheet which gives information about the survey and your rights as a respondent.

If you have any questions about the survey, please get in contact with Bernard Grainger at Babcock Mob: 07866 319213 email: or contact RSSB by emailing

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